In loving memory of #397 How Now Brown Cow.

How Now got her name prior to tagging being done and before I even got to know what a special friend she would be. From day dot as a newborn calf, she stood out like a sore thumb due to her brown hue amongst the hills of black calves, we could spot her from a mile away. I would always make a point to spot where she was in our daily travels around the farm “There’s How Now”.
As she grew up she become more inquisitive in nature, always front and centre to the action. I captured many beautiful photos of her in close proximity, little did I know the bond we would make.
How Now approached me one day when I was out riding the quad bike. She inspected the bike first giving it a lick and proceeded to rub herself against it. I decided I would offer her a handful of grass to see what she would do. To my surprise she came up almost instantly to inspect my offering and happily accepted. I continued to pick grass for her, this was quite funny to me considering there was ample grass around for her to help herself to. After this she very quickly became disinterested in the grass and became more interested in giving me a good lick head to toe to suss me out. That was the start of our friendship and daily interactions.
I soon discovered her love for apples, snow pea’s and her absolute favourite, weet-bix.
Every day I would go out on the farm looking for How Now, I would call for her and she would come trotting over for a pat and scratch behind the ears. Her best friend who was always by her side was #394 Snow Pea. I took photos of the pair in Christmas hats as well as a few of How Now in my Akubra too.
One day I came across Snow Pea by herself and How Now was no where to be seen. I didn’t see her for a few days and became worried to her whereabouts. I was in town when I got a call from Marty saying that our neighbour had found How Now, she was down at Gracebrook Winery which is located directly below the farm. She appeared delirious and wasn’t interested in any food or water, it was suspected that she was bitten by a snake. I raced home from Wangaratta to go see her. She passed away 30mins after my arrival, I spent her final moments comforting her as best I could. She is dearly missed by both Marty & I.